What Should I Know About Commercial Cyber Insurance?

Commercial Cyber Insurance – A Business Necessity in a Digital Era

Computers have become an integral component of modern businesses. They are extensively used for various tasks such as ordering supplies, accepting customer orders, and interacting with customers locally as well as across the country. However, alongside these advantages comes the exposure to potential cybercrime, which can disrupt and damage business operations. For businesses in or around Newport Beach, CA, seeking protection against cybercrime’s financial implications, our Murvay Insurance team stands ready to assist you.

What Is Commercial Cyber Insurance And Why It Is Necessary?

Commercial cybercrimes involve individuals misusing computers to steal data or obstruct companies’ efficient utilization of their computers and information. These crimes pose a threat to all businesses using computers, networks, or cloud services.

Cybercrimes can damage your business in several ways; however, cyber insurance primarily covers three types of damages. They are:

  • First-party damages cover the direct costs of investigating attacks, informing customers, paying potential ransomware demands, and dealing with resultant income loss.
  • Third-party or Cyber Liability covers instances when cyber-attacks damage your business and subsequently cause harm to other individuals or companies. This insurance covers your customers’ or suppliers’ direct losses, attorney fees, and settlements.
  • Errors and omissions usually pertain to technology-based businesses protecting against losses suffered by others due to your products or services containing faulty code or errors.

Before qualifying for cyber insurance, insurance companies may require you to adopt specific preventive measures. More advanced precautions could potentially result in reduced insurance premiums.

Partnering with Murvay Insurance

Murvay Insurance serves numerous client’s business and personal insurance needs in the Newport Beach, CA, area. Call us today at 949-333-0892 to discuss insurance coverage to protect your business and personal assets.