What To Do After a Car Accident: An Insurance Claim Checklist

Knowing the right course of action after a car accident can help ensure the claims process goes smoothly. For anyone involved in a car accident in Newport Beach, CA, or the surrounding areas, auto insurance coverage from Murvay Insurance provides critical protection against liabilities for damages or injuries. Prepare for what’s to come with the following insurance claim checklist.

Check for Injuries and Call for Help

Immediately after a car accident, your first step should be to call 911. Despite no apparent injuries, you could still be injured. Safeguard by getting examined by a healthcare professional. Assess yourself, your passengers, and other drivers for injuries, and call for an ambulance if anyone needs immediate medical help.

Exchange Information and Collect Evidence

While the aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming, it’s crucial to stay calm and gather as much information as possible. Exchange details with other drivers involved in the accident. Take ample photographs of all vehicles involved and any injuries incurred. Lastly, request a copy of the police report from the authorities.

Contact Your Insurance Provider As Soon As Possible

In the aftermath of the incident, reach out to your insurance provider to commence the claims process. They can guide you through the necessary steps to file a claim and provide an expected timeline for each phase. An adjuster will typically evaluate your vehicle, determine who was at fault, and estimate repair costs.

The Next Step: Call Murvay Insurance

Whether you’ve been involved in a car accident in Newport Beach, CA, or want to know more about the claims process, contact Murvay Insurance at 949-333-0892.